Let me ask you a very direct question. Why do we need extended family? Here by extended family I mean all the blood relation except your parents and siblings. I have always thought of this but was never able to organize my thoughts before. Today I try that.

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What do we mean by the word humanity? Is it a way to describe acts of kindness towards another human/animal? What’s the word for cruelty towards the same then? And finally - shouldn’t humanity be the duty of a living being, necessary to co-exist?

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First thread:

I don’t understand the way we think and make a mapping of certain things in our lives. It’s very interesting and shocking.

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What is appreciation and why is it necessary? Almost all of us need to be appreciated. Sometimes we desire it most for our particular work and from an important person in our lives.

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Some time back I wrote about a discovery of a question that “What is a perfect weekend?”. At that time I discovered one aspect of it and this time I witnessed another one, which was absolutely mindblowing.

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